Tina B. Molé, Chairman
Christa M. Schafer, Clerk
April 4, 2020
Delaware County personnel continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic around the clock. As of today there are 30 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 reported to Delaware County. There are an additional 45 people under mandatory quarantine and 9 people under precautionary quarantine. To date 223 people have been tested.
Of those we are still waiting for results from 39 tests and we have received 154 negative test results. In addition, 5 confirmed cases have been transferred out of the county to where the person actually resides. Of the 25 confirmed positive cases in Delaware County 9 are isolated and receiving medical care in a hospital, 12 are isolated and recovering safely at their homes, 1 person is deceased and 3 have fully recovered and are no longer in isolation.
The following chart is a representation of positive cases since March 23, 2020:
The following pie chart illustrates the amount of testing and the results reported:
It is important to note that Delaware County will continue to see an increase in cases. The Delaware County Public Health Department will continue to monitor each case, follow up with contact investigations for each case and work with the hospitals in the region to monitor the cases that are currently isolated under hospital care. We are continuing to stress the importance of social distancing to protect the general public.
Please note the data we are providing is only based on information from those people that have met the criteria for testing. The testing continues to be limited so it must be assumed there are many mild or asymptomatic cases in the County that are not reflected in these numbers. This makes social distancing measures and limiting contact with anyone other than those in your immediate household imperative to keeping the general public safe.
We are continuing to work with the state and federal agencies to make the best decisions for the residents of Delaware County. We have continued to reach out for resources and information as it is evolving every day. We are committed to providing assistance to all of Delaware County residents to meet their needs. Please go to the Delaware County website for information as it is updated regularly as things change.
Delaware County would like to remind all residents and visitors that the social distancing measures are necessary to protect all of our residents. This includes when we are outside enjoying the warmer spring weather and participating in trout season. We encourage you to get out and enjoy the nicer days, but we ask that you continue to practice the measures advised by New York State and the CDC by keeping at least 6 feet apart and limit your contact with others.
As of yesterday the Governor and the CDC are recommending that when you are out in public you should wear some type of face covering. This could be a mask, a scarf, a bandana or any cloth covering that will keep you from potentially spreading the disease. We are asking that all people be aware and careful so we can keep the positive cases in Delaware County relatively low.
For information about COVID-19 you can visit http://delawarecountypublichealth.com http://www.co.delaware.ny.us/wordpress
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