Public HealthUpdates

DCPHS: April 12 COVID-19 Update

Amanda Walsh, MPH Public Health Director 

April 12, 2020

Delaware County Public Health received two positive lab reports for COVID-19 today. One lab report received today was transferred to the county the person resides in. We can all work together to flatten the curve.  

Positive Results reported to Delaware County: 48
Positive Lab Reports Transferred: 6
Discharged(recovered): 12
Isolating at Home: 23
Hospitalized: 4
Deceased: 3
Mandatory Quarantine: 33
Precautionary Quarantine: 1
Tested: 376
Negative: 303
Pending: 25

Delaware County Public Health Services in partnership with the New York State Department of Health, local hospitals and healthcare providers is actively investigating these cases and providing guidance on reducing the spread (i.e., quarantine, cleaning and other recommendations) as appropriate.  

If you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, trouble breathing or pneumonia) talk to your primary health care provider. Do not come to the emergency room unless there is a pressing emergency.

Help Flatten the Curve:

  • Practice Social Distancing. Even if you feel well, stay at home as much as possible. In public, keep at least 6 feet distance from others. Avoid unnecessary appointments. 
  • Wash Your Hands. Cover Your Cough. Cover your cough and sneezes. Use your elbow or a tissue. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Take Caution with At-Risk Persons. Avoid visiting those most at risk (elderly and people with underlying health conditions), call instead. Offer help with groceries and other goods to pick up and drop off without face-to-face contact.

NYSDOH supports members of the public who choose to wear cloth face coverings in public settings, where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies),  It is important to emphasize that maintaining social distancing, by staying at least 6 feet apart when in public and staying home whenever possible, is critical to slow the spread of the virus, even if wearing a face covering.

While cloth face coverings may not prevent the wearer from becoming infected, they might help slow spread from people who have the virus and are unaware.

New York State residents who could benefit from mental health support, the NYS COVID-19 Emotional Support Helpline at 844-863-9314 is staffed 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., 7 days a week.

**Important: confirmed cases does not mean the total number of cases. Since access to testing is extremely limited, the number of confirmed cases does not reflect the current spread of COVID-19.  

Releasing the town where the positive lives does not ensure your protection or decrease your exposure risk to COVID-19. With this in mind, we strongly recommend everyone to continue social distancing to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19.  

For information about COVID-19 you can visit

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